Beat Bugs Packaging

Icy Hot Rebrand

McWorld - McDonald's Virtual World

Code Mobile Brand Design

The Lego Movie Lenticular Happy Meal Cups

Gold Bond "Champion Your Skin" Brand Development

Rise of the Guardians Pinball Game

"Feel The Beat" Coke Headphones Game Concept

McDonald's NASCAR Glassware Concepts

Monster 500 - An Original Toy Brand for Toys R Us

Logos & Brand Marks

Beat Bugs Style Guide

Build-a-Bear Scrambles Brand Design

Sanofi Allergy Brand Display Designs

Lego Batman Movie Game Design for the McPlay App

McDonald's Shrek the Third Glassware

McDonald's All-American Week Event Concept

Smurfs II Happy Meal Toy Collector's Box

Speedee's Late Night Menu Concept

The Chevron Toy Cars
