Based on the popularity of their TV commercials featuring animated cars, the Chevron Oil company launched a line of toy cars and sold them in Chevron gas stations throughout the country. As a Senior Art Director on the Chevron account I was able to lead most of the visual communications that accompanied the toy car line up for a three year period. Those visuals included packaging, P.O.P., sweepstakes, promotions and web graphics. This was also my introduction to product design, as I was able to influence the actual toys by reviewing and commenting on models for aesthetics and function, and choosing deco colors and finishes. New toy car launches would coincide with new TV commercials, typically a couple of times a year. Below is my favorite of the car releases: The fifties inspired Hank Hot Rod and Della Deluxe!
Below is the car's packaging featuring fun drive-in movie visuals inspired by the TV commercial. When placed side by side the packages created a continuous background scene of the drive-in.
3' x 3' Chevron Station Poster
In-Store Dangler